Monday, February 2, 2009

M4's Birth Story

M4's entrance was unique (just like everybody else). He started "sneezing" (leaking) on January 6 (like M3), but it was a false alarm.M4 was due around 1/19/09, but he needed a deadline. On Thursday (1/22), H was 4+ cm & Dr. Kathy said we would induce M4 on 1/27/09 if he didn't come on his own. Nana (R's mom) came Monday night for the presumed inducement. H started having strong contractions around 5 AM (on 1/27). H & R (and M3) took off to the hospital (as planned). The cell rang on the way to the hospital. They called to let us know there were 2 other moms laboring, so "just hang-out at home and we'll call you around Noon to see if we're ready for you." I informed the hospital that we were already on our way. We dropped M3 off at a friend's house and checked into the hospital. The hospital did not call our Doc, so she was there for the presumed planned inducement. It all worked out. H was 6-7 cm around 8 AM; 8 cm 30 minutes later. She was in the tub (water birth) by 9 AM and M4 came at 11:43 AM. Nana brought M1 and M2 to the hospital around 9:30 AM. They were sitting on R's lap when M4 arrived. They did great!M1 was excited to see M4; M2 was more interested in the contents of the tub (very mesmerized). H was her usual awesome self when it came to the entire process. The nurse did not think H was that far along, so she was shocked when Doc said H was 6-7 cm.

Oh, and those 2 other laboring moms? Both were first time moms. One was sent home by her doctor and the other did not deliver until very late Tuesday night.

It was nice to have a child in the middle of the day.M1 was born at 8:41 PM; M2 was at 7:28 PM; M3 was at 2:19 AM. We were all home by Wednesday (1/28/09) afternoon.

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