Saturday, May 30, 2009

So What Are You Saying Kid?

Daddy got home late from work one night & Mommy had a story to share about M1.

M1 had been learning nursery rhymes at school and she had a coloring project to finish at home. It was a picture of "the Old Woman's shoe." M1 showed Mommy her completed project. M1 explained how all 6 members of our family could be seen in the windows of the shoe. Mom & Dad were in the same window. M1 pointed out that her drawing of Mommy is smiling but Daddy is not smiling "because he is usually crabby."

Mommy thought that was very funny & couldn't wait to share with Daddy.

The next morning, Daddy asked M1 if he could see her coloring. He asked leading questions about the smiling faces. M1 said "you're smiling, Daddy." Daddy brought up what Mommy said the night before. M1 smiled and changed the subject (Daddy, see what else I've colored?).


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